It's a fact of life. Babies grow in to toddlers. Toddlers to preschoolers. Preschoolers to children. And children to teenagers.
Today my oldest daughter took another step. She passed her drivers test. I have both looked forward to and dreaded this day for a long time! On one hand, I like the idea of having another driver in the house ready and willing to run up to the grocery store. I like the idea of not having to drop everything to take her to work. I even like the idea of having another car available in case mine has a flat tire (again).
But I don't like the idea of her driving at night. I don't like the idea of her driving in the rain. And most of all, I don't like the idea of her being able to leave any time she chooses.
I know my job as a parent is to prepare my children to fly the nest. I just didn't realize it would happen on 4 wheels with the stereo blaring. Hopefully, what's left of my blonde hair won't turn gray before the week is out!