"Not Me Monday"

We did not eat take out chicken 2 nights this week because someone didn't feel like cooking. Only nutritious, home-cooked meals in this house.

No one in this house shot off her mouth at a homeowners meeting yesterday. We have better manners than that...

I did not stay up the entire night playing on the internet and then sleep all day on Monday. Wasn't me and you can't prove differently (unless you happen to know my screen name on certain sites...)

And I did not, repeat, did not decide to skip making the bed for the umpteenth time this week. And even if I did, I would never admit it openly, because a good mom wouldn't do that while still expecting her kids to make theirs...

What didn't you do this week?  Read more Not Me Monday posts over at MckMama's...


Shauna and Ben said…
I was NOT so glad there was enough left over Chinese last night that we could eat it for dinner tonight...another day to postpone grocery shopping and cooking! I'm all for it!!!
Oh, no! We're supposed to help get our Homeowner's association off the ground in the next month or so and I've heard so many horror stories!!!
There was a time when I couldn't go a DAY without making the bed... now, I feel like it's the story of my life. It's addicting to leave it all messed up in the morning!
