Menu Plan Monday 6/16/2014 - Black Bean Salsa Chicken Soup


Hello to everyone in bloggyland.

It's time again for Menu Plan Monday.  It seems like each week, I am getting busier and busier.  Not to mention more and more broke.  Accordingly, my menu plan for the week includes cleaning things out of my fridge/freezer and pantry.  The only thing I need to go to the store to buy is a potato for my TJ tacos on Saturday.

My plan is to only make the one store trip this week. We will see how that works. 

In addition to the meal planning, I am also trying out some new software for budgeting.  I plan on blogging the ups and downs with that experiment in the upcoming weeks. 

But for now, here is my menu plan for the week:

Tamales and mexican rice 
Easy Stroganoff served with rice
Chicken Fried Rice (made with the left over rice from the stroganoff)
Black Bean Chicken and Salsa Soup (recipe below)
TJ Tacos (other wise known as beef and potato tacos- recipe next week)
Bacon and onion Quiche

Grilled cheese sandwiches

Scrambled eggs
various cold cereals
fruit smoothies

Now, the recipe for the Black Bean Chicken Salsa Soup.  A coworker gave me this recipe many years back.  It's easy, inexpensive and really, really tasty.   This makes enough for 6+ good size servings.

Black Bean Salsa Chicken Soup

2-3  boneless, skinless chicken breasts (frozen works just fine)
2 cans black beans, rinsed
1/2 jar Salsa (I use Pace medium)
1 carton low sodium chicken broth
1 teaspoon Cumin

Place the chicken in the crockpot. Add the beans, salsa and cumin.  Cover with the chicken broth.  Cook on low 8 heat 8 hours or on high 4-6 hours.

Prior to serving, remove chicken breasts and shred with 2 forks.  Reserve.

Take out about 1 cup of the black beans. Mash and return to crockpot.  Add chicken back to slow cooker.  Cook an additional 30 minutes on high to thicken the soup.

Serve topped with your choice of sour cream, cheddar cheese, chopped onions or crushed tortilla chips.  


What's on your menu this week?

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